Josefin Malmqvist


Wonderful ball last night here at Hilda’s! Champagne reception, candy floss, G&Ds ice cream, Krispy Kreme and so on… I don’t understand this tradition here in Oxford though of getting ”free” (why on earth do people think it’s free when they’ve paid for it?!) ice creme and candy and things like that on a ball! A doughnut is not exactly what I long for, when dressed up nicely and feeling smart. It just doesn’t make sense to me. Oh well. Guess it’s part of the cultural experience 😉

Dancing was good fun, though quite surprised when I met my tutor on the dancefloor. All in all a great evening, that ended in my room with philosphical/political discussions around 4am…

Thought I’d put up some pictures as well…


Min in the kitchen making the very much appreciated pusch.


Cherry blossom and masked friends.


Not sure what I’m doing in that picture, the second is with Janina and the third with the mask.

YMCA on the dancefloor.

Somehow the watermelon-punsch in the kitchen doesn’t feel as tempting this morning, as it did last night… Just got back from OUCA council where not much happened. Talked about David Cameron who is coming to Oxford on Thursday; will be exciting! Now it’s time for laundry, washing up and do some reading on Labour’s constitutional reforms 1997 onwards… This will be a day in slowmotion – I can feel it.