Josefin Malmqvist

Page 3 debate at the Union tonight.

The Sun writes: ”The most famous institution in newspapers will be the centre of attention today at the world’s best known debating society. That’s right, folks. Page 3 girls are to be questioned by highbrows at the planet’s poshest university. The Oxford Union — which gives a hearing to the great issues of the day […]

Meanwhile on the other side of the Atlantic…

So, instead of focusing on their common enemy, the Democrat delegates still try to kill each other. Very productive. They’ve got an electoral system created to benefit strong parties; a majoritarian system in practice creating two large parties. The idea was understandable: instead of having minority governments, made up of various coalitions, as a result of a […]

Förbjuden frukt smakar alltid godast.

Paris är en stad som har oerhört mycket att erbjuda. Då menar jag inte främst iform av kyrkor och Eiffeltorn, utan atmosfären i staden. Själen. Paris är en av få städer jag känner som verkligen har en själ. Det må låta lustigt, men för den som har bott i staden är det självklart vad jag menar. Oftast […]

Brown eyed girl.

Isn’t it wonderful how some songs just make you feel better, no matter how low you feel? Van Morrison singing ”Brown eyed girl” is such a song for me. Everything can be upside down; nothing going your way. It makes me feel like just after a massive rain. You know when it’s been raining for […]

Buongiorno! Vilken underbar dag!

Solen skiner, fåglarna kvittrar: våren har kommit till Oxford! En fantastisk dag! Har precis haft mitt livs första italienskalektion. Riktigt spännande. En sann italienare i ordets alla betydelser… Han gestikulerade med hela kroppen, skrek och gapade, spottade, skrattade, och pratade så fort att vi trodde han skulle stuka tungan. En riktig inspiration och glädjespruta. Ska […]

The Sun Backs Boris

Today The Sun endorsed Boris Johnson saying he that he will be “A new and fresh Champion for London”, commenting “He is smart and bursting with good ideas.” Across London, Boris Johnson’s message that he will tackle crime, give taxpayers value for money and protect our green spaces to deliver a change for the better […]

Back Boris!

On 1st May, the over-analysis and navel gazing of Westminster’s media pundits won’t matter any more. All that will matter is that Londoners from all corners of the capital have a real choice, between four more years of the same old arrogance from Ken Livingstone, or a change for the better led by Boris Johnson. […]

Kunskap i första rummet!

Idag skrev Jan Björklund på DN debatt om hur han vill förbättra lärarutbildningen! Äntligen! Om man är utbildad historiker, hantverkare, kock, tolk eller vad det nu kan vara, och vill börja arbeta som lärare, ska man inte behöva gå tre år ytterliggare för att lära sig allt det man redan är expert på. Istället räcker det […]

Charity drinks.

Last night, OUCA arranged charity drinks at the Oxford Union. Help for Heroes is a charity that supports injured British servicemen and women and all proceeds from the evening went to them. Over 70 bottles of Cava, ready to be served.  Simon and Tom enjoying the evening. Guy and myself.  The boys from Somerville.   Guy […]

Campaigning for Stafford.

Just putting up some pictures from the campaign today, campaigning for the Oxford Conservatives. If you’re in Oxford, living in central part of town, vote for Alexander Stafford on May 1st.  Great guy!    Everyone’s helping out to get Alex elected. He’ll be an MP in 10 years so better keep him …close. Great day. Will […]